6 Money Mistakes You're Making in Your 20s (That You'll Regret Later)


Your 20s are a mix of self-discovery, career building, and definitely financial chaos. While you are busy navigating life’s ups and downs, you might be unknowingly sabotaging your financial future.

Let us tell you something: The choices you make now can either set you up for success or create money headaches that will haunt you for years to come. Decide what you want in your future! And if you choose to set your finances right, read ahead!

When we have money, we start making mistakes!

-Jack Ma

Credit Card Swipes

Let’s talk credit cards. They are not free money, despite how tempting that sounds when you are eyeing those new sneakers or a weekend getaway. Many 20-somethings fall into the trap of swiping without a plan, accumulating high-interest debt that grows faster than their monthly income.

Pro tip: Treat your credit card like a debit card. If you can’t pay the full balance each month, you are living beyond your means. Build credit smartly by making small, manageable purchases and paying them off immediately.

Lifestyle Choices

You just landed a decent job, and suddenly, expensive brunches, designer clothes, and fancy cocktails become your new normal. That’s the start; you have just entered the world of lifestyle inflation, where your spending rises with your income, leaving zero room for savings.

Instead of upgrading everything the moment you get a raise, challenge yourself to maintain your current lifestyle and redirect that extra cash into investments or savings.

Procrastinating on Loan Payments

Student loans, car payments, and personal loans are not going to unexpectedly disappear if you ignore them. Delayed payments not only tank your credit score but also accumulate massive interest that makes your life harder down the line, the time when you have to sit back and relax.

Create a solid repayment strategy. Set up automatic payments, explore refinancing options, and prioritize high-interest debt. Make sure to keep your credit score clean.

Not Investing

“I’m too young to invest.” “The stock market is complicated.” Are these excuses keeping you from building long-term wealth? Compound interest is an amazing concept, and in your 20s, you have time on your side.

Begin with smaller investment practices. App-based investment platforms make it easy to begin with minimal money. Even 5000₹ a month can grow significantly over decades. Remember: time in the market beats timing the market.

Lack of knowledge

Nobody teaches you about money in school. If you are not actively learning about personal finance, budgeting, taxes, and investment strategies, you are setting yourself up for unnecessary financial stress.

Invest in your financial education. Read books, follow finance podcasts, take online courses, and attend financial management events. Understanding money is the first step to mastering it.

If you require help with this, consider our Millionaire Mind Intensive program, an exceptional resource for financial education that benefitted over 30K lives!

No Emergency Fund

Life happens, and it’s usually expensive. Car repairs, medical emergencies, unexpected job loss. Without an emergency fund, you are just a step away from a financial disaster.

Aim to save 3-6 months of living expenses. Start small if you must, even an amount of 30,000 can be a lifesaver. Treat your emergency fund like a non-negotiable monthly bill.

Balance is the first skill you need to acquire when you are in your 20s. You don’t need to become stingy while spending, but you should be strategic. Every financial decision adds a new blocker to your future. Make choices that your 40-year-old self will look back on and be grateful for your younger self.

All you have to do with your money is to be intentional, learn continuously, and make slightly better choices each day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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In your 20s, aiming for around 2-5 lakhs saved up is a good target. This gives you a safety cover for emergencies and helps with future investments. If you are in a big city, a bit more might be wise.

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Money troubles can definitely take a toll on your mental health. When you are stressed about finances, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, frustration, or even depression. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when things aren’t going the way you hoped. It’s important to recognize those feelings and talk about them or seek help if you need to.

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The biggest financial mistake people often make is living beyond their means. A lot of folks get caught up in lifestyle inflation, wanting the latest gadgets or a nicer car, and they end up drowning in debt. It’s easy to get tempted by credit cards and loans, but it can lead to a pretty stressful situation down the line. Sticking to a budget and saving for what you really want can make a huge difference.

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If you want to stop worrying about money, try these tips:

Budget: Track your income and expenses to feel more in control.

  1. Set Goals: Focus on specific financial goals, like saving for a trip.
  2. Emergency Fund: Build a small safety net for unexpected expenses.
  3. Limit News: Cut back on financial news if it stresses you out.
  4. Talk About It: Share your money worries with friends or family.
  5. Mindfulness: Use meditation or deep breathing to calm your mind.

In your 20s, aiming for around 2-5 lakhs saved up is a good target. This gives you a safety cover for emergencies and helps with future investments. If you are in a big city, a bit more might be wise.

Money troubles can definitely take a toll on your mental health. When you are stressed about finances, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, frustration, or even depression. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when things aren't going the way you hoped. It's important to recognize those feelings and talk about them or seek help if you need to.

The biggest financial mistake people often make is living beyond their means. A lot of folks get caught up in lifestyle inflation, wanting the latest gadgets or a nicer car, and they end up drowning in debt. It’s easy to get tempted by credit cards and loans, but it can lead to a pretty stressful situation down the line. Sticking to a budget and saving for what you really want can make a huge difference.

If you want to stop worrying about money, try these tips:

  1. Budget: Track your income and expenses to feel more in control.
  2. Set Goals: Focus on specific financial goals, like saving for a trip.
  3. Emergency Fund: Build a small safety net for unexpected expenses.
  4. Limit News: Cut back on financial news if it stresses you out.
  5. Talk About It: Share your money worries with friends or family.
  6. Mindfulness: Use meditation or deep breathing to calm your mind.

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